They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Revelation 12:11
They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Revelation 12:11
The Beginning
My name is Michael Edward Ukus. I am writing the story of my life to prove that God exists dan that He is always there in my life. I'm the second child of three siblings. We lived with our parents in Manado. After enrolling to a Christian university in Manado to study theology, we found that that our parents were in the process of getting a divorce. Unexpectedly we received a letter from the court asking us to attend the divorce trial. Honestly as their children we were very heartbroken by this news. My dad left us and my mom had to work really hard to provide for us. It broke our heart to see how hard she had to work to the point of getting sick and even fainting because of fatigue. This really destroyed me personally and I couldn't continue my study because of it. I thought there was no point studying theology if my parents were getting a divorce. In the end I no longer had any desire to study and stopped doing Christian activities at my campus. That's when the Enemy took an advantage.
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I sold my soul to “the god of this world”. He had the face of an angel. He said I could have it all. I traded the truth for lies. I followed my deceitful heart. I was crowned prince, dressed in Burberry and flown to New York, Los Angeles and Miami. The house music was spellbinding. I chatted up celebrities. I was ushered to the front of long lines and through the doors of exclusive clubs.
On September 11, 2001, I woke up out of a drunken stupor and turned on the TV. Immediately I started crying. It reminded me that the Lord is coming back in judgment (Matthew 24:37-39). Having no peace, I was terrified. For work, I moved from Pittsburgh to Boston to Washington, DC and then back to Pittsburgh. My gay life peaked in the bigger cities and then slowed down in Pittsburgh where gay life was less distracting. I was alone with my thoughts. Cursing and screaming at my family, I had pushed away those who would not actively endorse my lifestyle. One day on Facebook, Christians tried to tell me that I needed to repent. I viciously attacked them. I hated the church. Becket Cook was sipping champagne at a Fashion Week after-party in Paris when the thought hit him: “Is this what I’m going to do for the rest of my life?” He looked around at the sea of beautiful, accomplished, air-kissing people surrounding him and suddenly felt so alone, terrified, and empty that he left the party early.
As a Hollywood production designer, Cook was living a lifestyle most people only read about in gossip tabloids. He received invites to movie premieres and fancy ceremonies such as the Oscars and the Golden Globes. He schmoozed at elite parties and luncheons at A-list celebrities’ homes. And yet, all the noise and glamour were losing their luster. As a gay atheist, Cook had enough of a Catholic upbringing in Texas to know homosexuality and God were incompatible, and giving up his gay identity felt impossible and unnatural. God has revealed Himself in my life more real than the air we breathe. Let me start from the beginning and to the point. Since I was a child, life did not treat me like I would have wanted it too. Being the youngest of 12 children, my parents literally abandoned us in my homeland of Mexico due to a severe destructive relationship between my parents. That left us devastated and it completely destroyed our family composition. From that moment on, I was taken to the capital of Mexico (Mexico City). There I was taken by my sister’s father in law, who decided to use me as his slave, forcing me to work as his servant and subjecting me to humiliation and violence. At 6 years old, I was brought to the United States by my biological mother, who had gone back to rescue me. Here in the United States, I was sexually molested by my mother’s boyfriend. I was not sure at the moment, but all I wanted was to be accepted and loved. Later on, I was left in guardianship of my eldest brother. Life was good for a few years. I realized though that throughout my early years, for some reason I was not familiar too, I was starting to acknowledge that I had an attraction for the same sex.
August 2020
Not The Same Love is a book about God's redeeming love over homosexuality
Pas Le Même Amour est un livre sur l’amour de Dieu qui nous libère de l’homosexualité
Bukan Cinta Sejenis adalah sebuah buku tentang cinta Tuhan yang membebaskan kita dari homoseks
Il Vero Amore è un libro sull'amore di Dio che ci libera dall'omosessualità